Sunday, November 25, 2012

Day 3: Angels, Part 2

Today is the same idea as yesterday, except with Metatron and Cassiel. These angels are from Judaism. Although Metatron never appears in the show, he is mentioned throughout seasons six and seven. Castiel becomes a main character starting in season four and becomes increasingly important in the following season. Although Cassiel’s name was changed to Castiel, the character is based loosely on the theological angel.


*Start the video around 2:47, that's the Metatron part*


Metatron is known as the angel of life who protects the Tree of Life and Death (the same tree from the Garden of Eden). Although his name is never mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures, he is sometimes thought to be Enoch, an ancestor of Abraham, who was supposedly transformed into an angel (Genesis 5:24). He is also credited with preventing Abraham from sacrificing Isaac (Genesis 22:11-18) and leading the Israelites while they wandered the desert for forty years (Exodus 23:20-32), although his name is never mentioned in either of these passages.

In Supernatrual, Metatron is the scribe of God, a concept taken directly from Jewish mythology. Although Metatron has not appeared on the show (at least not as of the date of this blog post), he is still very important. The Word of God was recorded by Metatron onto stone tablets which only a prophet of the Lord can read, such as Kevin Tran or Chuck (the prophets will get their own day). Metatron included his own personal note in the tablet. Crowley, the ancient demon in the video, apparently knew Metatron hundreds of centuries again.

Cassiel / Castiel

Castiel is a main character in seasons four through six of Supernatural, and a recurring character in seasons seven and eight. Castiel first appears when he raises Dean from Hell in the premiere of season four. He befriends the Winchester brothers and eventually helps them prevent the apocalypse, disobeying his brothers (the other angels) and is killed by Lucifer. He is miraculously resurrected with little explanation, and it is believed that God raised him from the dead.

Cassiel is an archangel that is part of the Jewish tradition but not part of the Catholic tradition. He is known as the angel that stays in the background and watches without interfering, which is the exact opposite of what Castiel does in Supernatural. It is often said that Sam, Dean, and Castiel make up “Team Free Will” because they ignore what they are told they are supposed to do and choose their own paths.

Castiel is a beloved character by many fans of Supernatural. In season six, Castiel is fighting for control of heaven and partners with the new king of hell, Crowley (see above) to gain power to fight the other angels. He makes a grave mistake and absorbs the souls from Purgatory giving him infinite and God-like powers. These powers destroy him, but he (once again) is brought back to life with little explanation.
Castiel, loosely based on the angel who never interfered, interferes more than any angel is allowed to do. 

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