Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day 5: Lucifer, Crowley, and other Demons

As mentioned in Day 1, in season four Lucifer is released from his cage. In both Supernatural and the Catholic tradition, Lucifer was an archangel who rebelled against God. Lucifer was jealous of humans because God loved them so much after He created them, and Lucifer refused to worship them. He fell from Heaven and there was a battle between the rebellious angels and the angels who were still loyal to God. Here Supernatural breaks off from Catholicism. In the show, Lucifer is trapped in a cage. In Catholicism, Lucifer and the other fallen angels were banished to Hell.

Lucifer is freed from his cage in season four and wreaks havoc on the world throughout season five. He is the king of hell, and organizes the demons that are roaming the Earth. Catholics believe in demons in a literal sense, not simply symbolically. The Winchester brothers fight the demons with magical weapons that kill them, but they also perform exorcisms, an idea stolen directly from Catholicism.

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