Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day 6: Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory

In Catholicism there are three fates after death: Heaven, Hell, or Purgatory. All three of these realms are shown in Supernatural, and Dean Winchester visits all three. 


For Catholics Heaven means eternal communion and friendship with God. In Supernatural, each person lives in their own world where they live out their best memories from Earth with all of their loved ones. This is a very secularized version of Heaven. In both Catholicism and Supernatural it is where just people go after death to live happily for eternity. For Catholics this happiness comes from God, and for the characters of Supernatural happiness comes from earthly remnants.

Although Heaven is a theological concept from many different religions, especially Christian denominations, this version of Heaven has very little to do with God, which is distinct from theological ideas of Heaven. Sam and Dean travel to Heaven after they are killed and are brought back to life again, but the viewers get a view of Heaven.


Hell in Supernatural is actually fairly similar to Hell from Catholicism, except for the way many people get there. Only those who reject God and live in mortal sin are sent to Hell, unlike in Supernatural where you can sell your soul to a demon and be sent to Hell. Dean is sent to Hell after he makes a deal with a demon to save Sam's life. 

We are not shown very much of Hell in the show, it is mostly described by Dean later. Dean describes physical and psychological torture that he endured for what felt like many years, when only one passed on earth. The large difference between the two concepts of Hell is that part of the torture in the Catholic Hell is being cut off from God, which is never mentioned in Supernatural. Dean is physically tortured by demons and forced to do the same to other souls, which is interesting considering it is only his soul and not his body in Hell but he still endures physical pain. As is common in Supernatural, the theological concepts are borrowed and the exclusively religious aspects are excluded. 


The existence of Purgatory is not mentioned in Supernatural until season six when Castiel is on the hunt for souls to increase his power, and chooses to absorb the souls in Purgatory to make himself powerful. It is revealed that creatures called Leviathan were banished to Purgatory after God created them because they threatened the existence of al of God’s other living creatures. Castiel cannot control them and many Leviathan escape onto Earth, dying in the process. Season seven follows the brothers as they attempt to kill leviathan and prevent their master plan. In the season finale of season seven, Castiel (he was brought back to life again) and Dean are sent to Purgatory by accident.

Purgatory is shown as an eternal forest where Leviathan roam and hunt and fight. Dean and Castiel wander and attempt to escape. Dean finally escapes but cannot save Castiel, although Castiel has appeared in recent episodes and is somehow coming back to earth.

This version has almost nothing to do with the Catholic Purgatory. Purgatory is where souls that are not perfect go to be purified before entering Heaven because nothing impure can enter Heaven. It is where the human soul is stripped of earthly attachments and venial sins are made up for. Although Purgatory is not enjoyable, there is always hope for the souls there because they will soon go to Heaven. The Supernatural version is very different and has almost nothing to do with it besides name. 

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