Monday, December 3, 2012

Day 11: Jewish and Catholic characters

Although the Winchester brothers are not part of any religion, there are other characters they encounter along the way who are Jewish and Catholic. It is never a main plot point in the show, but the faith of the characters influences their actions and the show

Rufus Turner

Rufus is a retired hunter that helped Bobby Singer, a close friend of the Winchesters, many years ago.  He come out of retirement to help the boys multiple times, and is killed by a demon in season six. He never specifically mentions being Jewish, but Bobby mentions the fact to the boys.

When Rufus is killed the Winchesters and Bobby bury him in a Jewish ceremony. They do not burn his body, as is custom with hunters, because it is against Jewish tradition. Rufus does not keep kosher or follow other typical Jewish customs. Although we do not get a glimpse into his faith life it is implied that he is Jewish by custom rather than Jewish by faith. Although he believes in God, that is not surprising since the existence of God is a known fact among the Winchester’s friends in Supernatural and this belief does not appear to affect his actions.


Kubrick's RV, note the two Jesus portraits

Kubrick is a slightly insane, dimwitted Catholic man. He serves as an antagonist in the show in season three when he is convicned that Sam Winchester is the anti-Christ. He tries to hunt Sam and kill him because he believes it is God’s will.

At one point Sam is cursed and Kubrick finds a picture of him randomly while hunting him. His extreme luck convinces him that killing Sam is God’s will, so he hunts Sam down and tries to kill him. His faith affects his actions and clouds his judgment.

Although faith is not something that usually affects characters in the show, these two characters are affected by their faith lives.

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