Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day 13: Wrap up, Part 2

Jewish people only take about 2-3% of the American population, while Catholics take up about ¼ of the population. This discrepancy could be the source of the Christian ideas being heavily favored.

There are other faith traditions present- pagan gods are mentioned, and there are Islamic ideas present as well. But the show is very focused on the Judeo-Christian, specifically Judeo-Catholic ideas.

Although some people may be insulted by how Supernatural secularizes many aspects of the different traditions, it is not a new idea. There are many people who identify as “Secular Jews,” they are Jewish by culture but not by faith. Although this idea is practically nonexistent in Catholicism, this show is an example of applying the Catholic tradition in a way that is not strictly faith based.

Supernatural is well loved by its fans, and it educates the viewers about various aspects of the two faiths whether they realize it or not. The different interpretations of Catholicism and Judaism are interesting to watch and to see develop throughout the show. 

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