Saturday, December 1, 2012

Day 9: Eve and Lilith

In Supernatural there are two characters taken from the creation story- Eve and Lilith. Eve, in name at least, comes from the story of Adam and Eve in the Book of Genesis.


The Biblical character of Eve is tempted by Lucifer into disobeying God, and condemns humanity in the process. The character Eve is the mother of all demons. Eve was trapped in purgatory before she is released by two Dragons, other supernatural creatures with no Biblical basis. She created the first of all the monsters that the Winchesters fight, such as vampires. When Eve is released from purgatory in season six (after the apocalypse has ended), she decides to create a new hybrid monster and plans to convert all humans into this new type of monster.

Eve has very little in common with the Biblical character in the literal sense. There is no mention of Eve being human, and she claims to be older than Castiel, which does not fit with the Biblical account of creation. But in the Book of Genesis, Eve damns humanity by biting the apple, losing the perfection of the Garden and the perfection of human beings. In the same way that Eve created monsters of perfectly good men, the character of Eve is attempting to corrupt every human on the earth by making them literal monsters.


In Jewish mythology, Lilith was the first woman created by God, not Eve. She was created the same way that Adam was, from dust, but was disobedient to Adam. She wanted to be treated as an equal and ran when that did not happen. She swore vengeance on the sons of Adam, or all of humanity.

The character of Lilith is the first demon, it is implied that Lucifer created her. She is immensely powerful, and contains the last seal to Lucifer’s cage. She is the demon that sends Dean’s soul to hell, and when she is finally defeated at the end of season four her death opens Lucifer’s cage.

Lilith is considered extremely evil. She likes to possess the bodies of little girls and torture and kill members of the possessed girl’s families. Although her only stated motivation for killing is that she is a demon, she clearly hates human beings. Her name is not a coincidence.
 A main difference n the Supernatural universe is that Eve is the mother of all demons, not Lilith. Lilith is the mother of all demons in Judaism, and in Judaism and Catholicism Eve is human and the mother of all humans. Lilith hates humans and wants to kill them, but Eve is the one who wants to turn all humans into monsters.

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